The key dietary values estimated by EvaPig®

Jean Noblet

EvaPig® Designer, INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment)

EvaPig® helps educate nutritionists by highlighting the main variation laws in the value of nutrients.

5 reasons to use the EvaPig® tool

How can one estimate energy value in pig feed?

EvaPig® compiles the chemical composition and dietary values of around one hundred reference raw materials for pigs. This data is derived from INRAE-CIRAD-AFZ’s tables. According to what you would like to evaluate, you can then generate new raw materials or even entire feeds. The software then analyzes all this data in order to provide you with the dietary value of the feed.

Good to know! You can create a new raw material yourself, either by copying and modifying the reference raw material, or by using your own data. You are also free to create entire feeds by mixing different raw materials together or by directly supplying a chemical compound.

INRA, AFZ and EUROLYSINE: The creators of EvaPig®

EvaPig® software is the result of the collaboration between three expert stakeholders in animal nutrition:  INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment), AFZ (Association Française de Zootechnie) and EUROLYSINE.